Guest Lecturer from Taiwan
Carson Huang , Blue Sung , Dora Chang & Double Ten
Experiences from the lecturers:
Double Ten:
Makeup Instructor for:
- Chung Shan Industrial and Commercial School
- Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science
- Tung Fang Design Institute
2013- Judges for (6) X Hair & Makeup Competition
2014 – Judges for (2) X Hair & Makeup Conpetition
2015 – Jueges for (2) X Hair & Makeup Competition
- 5th Winner in Asia Makeup Competition
- (5) X Bridal Makeup Champion
Dora Chang:
-Movie "Campus Confidental"(2013),Taiwan
~Apply Prosthetics (Single Eyelid , Pimples)
电影“爱情无全顺” (单眼皮,青春痘)
-Movie (2014),Taiwan
~Apply Prosthetics (Boxing Wounds)
电影“打喷嚏” (拳击伤)
-Movie "Black & White 2" (2014) , Taiwan
~Prosthetics (Cuts and Wounds , Hand Laid Beard)
电影“痞子英雄2” (伤妆,手黏胡须)
-Movie "Bad Bye "(2014) ,China
~Apply Prosthetics (Hand Laid Beard)
电影“后会无期” (手黏胡须)
-Movie (2014) , Taiwan
~Prosthetics ( Scar and Wounds)
电影“在拥抱的瞬间” (伤妆)
-2014 New York IMATS Competition Fantasy/Beauty 3rd Place
2014纽约国际化妆大赛 奇幻彩妆组 全球第3名
-2014 Vancouver IMATS Competition Fantasy/Beauty 3rd Place
2014温哥华国际化妆大赛 奇幻彩妆组 全球第3名
-2014 New York IMATS Competition Character/Prosthetic Nominated 8th Place
2014纽约国际化妆大赛 特效化妆组 入围全球第8名
-2013 Toronto IMATS Competition Character/Prosthetic Nominated 8th Place
2013 多伦多国际化妆大赛 特效化妆组 入围全球第8名
-The Thinker : Create and Apply Prosthetic